Paris Photography Tour

Hoping to see Paris with new eyes, I signed up for a photography tour of the city last summer. I googled and found a company with stellar reviews, Better Paris Photos. Registering was quick and simple, response almost immediate. I proposed a few potential dates and when we found one that worked, was assigned to […]
Odette, Paris, Choux à la Crème (Cream Puffs)

When I was in Paris in 2011 researching The Little Bookroom Guide to Paris with Children, I found a cute shop in the Marais that specialized in cream puffs (choux à la crème en français). Since then, it’s become a bit of a trend in Paris and a handful of other choux shops have opened. […]
Bilingual Summer Day Camps for Kids in Paris
Bilingual Summer Day Camps in Paris for Kids How young is too young for ‘study abroad?’ Enrolling a child in a summer camp program in a foreign country definitely isn’t for all kids, but it’s an incredible opportunity for some. Vacation day camps exist in many of Paris’s most well regarded bilingual schools–and they are […]
Summer Travel Highlights Part 1
Not sure how many posts this summer travel highlights “series” will be…difficult to believe it’s over. It’s been a whirlwind of a summer and my kids are already back in school! We’re back home in Arizona, mostly settled in, so I’ll get back to posting here and there. Our summer travels, which were quite […]
Paris: Day 3

We made it safely to Paris! I’m testing whether or not the Iphone 5 camera is superior to my Iphone 4. All of these photos were taken with my new phone, so I apologize in advance for the quality as I’m getting used to it. I felt so organized on the trip over; I’d brought […]
Packing Advice

I was asked about Packing tips in a Q&A on The Collected Traveler. The links didn’t come through to the products I was talking about so I’ve provided them below. Hope this is helpful! If you’ve got any good packing advice, traveling with or without children, please post! Do you have any advice about packing? […]
Virtual Paris with Children Book Tour continued…

I apologize for my delay in posting these stops, but I’ve had a crazy couple of weeks with the book launch party and with the various pieces I’ve been working as part of the ‘tour’. The Guardian newspaper (UK) also asked me to write an article for them that is scheduled to appear May 11th. […]
Virtual Paris with Children Book Tour Begins at Lost in Cheeseland!

The virtual book tour for The Little Bookroom Guide to Paris with Children began yesterday with a Q & A with Lindsey Tramuta on her Lost in Cheeseland blog as part of her Franco File Fridays series! Tramuta is an American “who fell in love with a Frenchman and moved to Paris.” She discovers new […]
Paris with Children Official Release Date is…Today! April 16, 2013!

I’m excited that Paris With Children is finally out! And I saw it priced at $12.01 on–which is a deal! I stopped into La Grande Orange, a trendy specialty store here in Phoenix, and saw the book on the shelf–always an exciting moment to see it somewhere outside of your own house! I can’t […]
Official Invitation: Paris With Children Release and Signing Event, April 26, 5pm-7pm

Here’s the official invitation! My friend Eve Gonzalez of Eve Gonzalez Design, did a beautiful job! A huge thank you to Garage Boutique for hosting the event, to Sparrow Retail Consulting who is sponsoring the cocktails and Classic Cakes and Confections who is sponsoring the sweets. I hope to see everyone there on Friday, April […]